Izzy's Polish Christmas Makówki



Serves: 6 - 8

Prep Time: 30 Minutes

Cook Time: 15-20 Minutes


1 litre semi-skimmed milk or plant alternative

250g ground poppy seeds*

Challah or any other sweet bread sliced into thick slices (approx 150g in total)

50g butter or plant-based alternative

75g honey or sugar

50g ground walnuts

50g ground almonds

50g ground hazelnuts

50g raisins or sultanas

A few whole nuts for decorating the top


  1. Mix the poppy seeds, milk, butter, honey or sugar, nuts and dry fruit in a big saucepan. Cook for 15 to 20 minutes, stirring from time to time. In the meantime, prepare a large ceramic or glass square or round dish and cover the bottom with a layer of bread slices.
  2. Pour a layer of the cooked mix over the first level of bread and distribute evenly. Cover with a layer of bread slices. Repeat until you finish the bread. The top layer should be the poppy seed mix decorated with whole nuts.
  3. If you see the bread is too dry in places, pour over a little bit of milk to make all the bread well moistened.
  4. Leave in the fridge overnight (or for a minimum of 6 hours).


Alternatively, for a quick win, you can use a ready-made tinned poppy seed and nuts mix available around Christmas in any Polish or Eastern European shop in the UK.